Privett Hatchery Assorted Bantams Chicks
Assorted Bantams
This assortment is great for hobby flock owners. You’ll get a good mix and variety of bantams, allowing you to get the best of the bantam breeds. This assortment may include any bantam breed we offer except for the Silkies. Breeds may include Gold or Silver Sebright, Cochins, Porcelain or Mille Fleur d’Uccle or OldEnglish Bantams to name a few.
•Broodiness: Varies by Breed
•Cold and Heat Hardy: No
•Mature Weight: Approx. 1-3 Lbs.
•Purpose: Ornamental
•Production: Approx. 100 Small Cream or Brown Eggs/Yr.
•Nature: Varies by Breed